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The Big Dance on the Hill

The arrival.
The vast crowd on the floor.
The encounter with the boss.
The man to man smile from the boss.
The feeling of elation. 
The door keeper from the office who is serving out.
The whisper from the door keeper.
The long journey down the hall.
The closed door.
The clink of glasses.
The opening of the door.
The imposing array of glassware.
The sight of the host.
The look on the host’s face.
The sight of the boss with the host.
The look on the boss’ face.
The sight of several other distinguished looking men.
The look on the distinguished looking men’s faces.
The atmosphere of disapproval.
The request from the attendant.
The giving of the order.
The silent consumption of the order.
The silence kept by the host, the boss and the distinguished
  looking men.
The uncomfortable feeling.
The increase of the uncomfortable feeling.
The retreat.
The journey down the long hallway.
The chuckles from the door keeper.
The statement by the door keeper that he had been instructed
  to admit only the family and old friends.
The renewed chuckles by the door keeper.
The desire to kill the door keeper.
The sad return to the dance floor.

Ernest Hemingway

Dance Poetry
A comprehensive anthology
Edited by Alkis Raftis
Copyright 2012
