English / Anonymous
“Ashes of roses and Spindrift”
Le Carlotta Grist, in “Paquita”
Julia to her bosom friend Isabel.
From the collection “Through a window”
The Honeire Dance Midsummer’s on St. John’s Eve
The rural Dance about the Maypole
There are perils dire... (excerpt)
The season’s o’er - Cerrito’s steps
Traditional Hungary Wedding of Cana
Alexandre Meunier: À Mademoiselle Cléo de Mérode
Norma Farmer: Dancer, how do you dare?
Murray Noss: Folk dance at Shinto shrine
Bill Moseley: In full swing
Egan Mew: Shadows
Jim Bogan: Nijinsky’s Flight
George Edward Tait: At the Ball
Uncle Bogie: What every fairy knows
Baker: At the age of eight
Pope & Gay: To Marie Sallé
Vasilii Katanian: 87 Untitled (1919)
James Cook Richmond: No Slur, Else-slur: A Dancing Poem or Satyr
Markwell: In memory of Mlle Julie (excerpt)
Marie P.Pelliccioni: I cannot please you all the time
Herbert Bentley Freeman: Squire Chivey's dance A sunset song
Master Harry: Epitaph for Clara Webster
Thomas Bryan: On the dancers of Drury Lane
Belli: La Cerrito
Bernice Kavinoky: Poet to Dancer
Katharyn Machan Aal: Oh She Dances
Mary Barres Riggs: Nijinsky’s Poème Choreographique de L’Après-midi d’un faune
For My Pointe Shoe: Variations on a Poem by Christopher Smart
Micheline Clavel: Antonia Mercé Argentina
E. A.-B. : To Isadora, dancing
Andrew O'Connell: The Connemara Set
Sean Garvey : The joy of Set Dancing
Ragovin: I’ll marry your son