I cannot please you all the time
I cannot please you all the time
No matter how I try
Every song's a different beat
And here's the reason why
Harry and Sharon want to Hustle
Marion Lucia likes the Blues
Bob Smutek loves to Latin
He'll dance the soles
Right off your shoes
Maxie and Ferdie request Big Band
Nevada Bob wants a strong bass beat
Just play a little Rock and Roll
And Terry leaves his seat
You lose Dawn if you play some Jazz
Jim Godbey wants no Blues
A Fox Trot every now and then
Will sometimes get me boos
A western song and you all cry
"We thought this club was Swing!''
Wouldn't it be boring
If we all liked one thing
I'd only have to play one song
And soon you would complain
That all the music sounds alike
A familiar refrain
So dance the ones you like the most
Sit the others out
Someone likes the song that's on
Now don't sit there and pout
I'm here to please you, one and all
And though it's hard to do
This song may be for Rosemarie
But the next one's just for you.
Marie P.Pelliccioni