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The Dancer



LIFT, sweet fountain foot,
Leap into the air,
You shall glitter in the sun
And hide his lionlike hair :
Leap higher up above the leaves
Till apples tumble form their eaves.
Your dancing body
Flying without wings,
Sweet legs that never touch the ground
For fear the dumb earth stings,
Stay dancing in those beams that shine :
Turn all the liquid air to wine.
Where is light born,
Now Sunis hidden, dead?
Two streams of nectar flow abroad,
Two suns laugh from your head,
Look at me now, make grow my trees,
Roof me with leaves, put flowers for bees.
Look at me still
And while I'm blind,
Throw closer to me
Till my arms can bind :
Now may we fall like foam among the fruit
To burn there, flaming in one snowy suit.

Sacheverell Sitwell

Dance Poetry
A comprehensive anthology
Edited by Alkis Raftis
Copyright 2012
