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(Garbī 12)


Beware! Beware that wavering mind, O wary ones !

Dance! Play with colourful delight, O pious ones!

Give up foolishness, greed, and falsehood!

Remember that Wielder of the bow, [Visnu]!

You believe lovingly in stones;

[But] you will not thereby attain Brahmā.

These garbīs for [the goddess] Bhavānī are all a sham.

These lamps (jyoti) are but a fistful of deceptions.

What will dancing achieve? Lack of breath and tiredness!

Do not color your hearts with such false merriment!

You have united together merely to enjoy the food!

Earnings from such deception and fraud are counterfeit.

Serve the Lord (nara) whose name is Qāsim Shāh.

Then you will attain the place of Heaven (vaikuntha).

Concentrate upon religion (dharma), the path of Satpanth.

Powerful is the true Sāheb – [serve him]!

Thus spoke Guru Shams the Pīr.

He unlocked [the hearts] of all the dancers.


Pir Shams

Dance Poetry
A comprehensive anthology
Edited by Alkis Raftis
Copyright 2012
