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A dance song

Winter be greeted by lads and lasses,
Dancing in heated rooms till it passes.
Follow your bent!
Let us be winking and smiling and blinking on love
Languidly trailing, lustily springing,
Bagpipes are failing, dance we to singing!
Pluck up your skirts!
And as it please you we seize you and squeeze you; you
little flirts!
No youth be losing his hopes and his chances!
Now all are choosing the girl that entrances.
Love and be blest!
And if she odd is, prod you her bodice, and tickle her
He is a double idiot who troweth
True love to trouble; stronger it groweth;
Who can love fright?
Slyly it baiteth the hook and then waiteth for passion
to bite.
Joy they inherit who are love’s minions.
Now let our spirit stretch out her pinions,
And lustily flap!
My girl advances and glances: my chance is to fall in
the trap!

Dance Poetry
A comprehensive anthology
Edited by Alkis Raftis
Copyright 2012
